Thriving in a Digital Job Search

COVID-19 pandemic has made employers double down on online recruiting, whether that’s job boards or virtual career fairs. For job seekers, it pays to invest time and energy to find a match. Here are tips to maximize a digital job search.
Look for new job titles
It might be time to audit and add keywords to your job search. Today a growing number of people are opting for alternative models over traditional, full-time, permanent roles. One of the main findings of ManpowerGroup’s Skills Revolution 4.0 report reveals that the jobs of tomorrow won’t look exactly like yesterday, so workers need to keep an eye out for job descriptions that weren’t previously on their radar. Organizations are investing in digital, shifting tasks to robots and creating new jobs.
Build your digital brand
You probably have a resume or CV, but a digital brand like a personal website or LinkedIn profile can add another dimension to your personal brand. Your digital footprint gives you an opportunity to have a living career story, complete with career details, accomplishments, skills, recommendations, work samples and more; much more than a normal resume can offer.
Network online
Digital connections can help you get jobs. You can connect/network with people you know, people you want to know, industry leaders, others with similar skills and interest, and the list goes on. There are networking groups on just about every career, industry and topic imaginable. Join a few and contribute to the discussion. You never know who you will meet. These contacts can be your link to your next job.
Research target companies
Technology can help you learn all about a company, its values before you apply or interview. As ManpowerGroup’s What Workers Want report found, workers are looking for more trust and balance from an employer, and a digital job search can help uncover these traits. Follow the company across social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, and also follow competitors and peers how it compares to others. Sites like Glassdoor can provide reviews and a window into culture. Finally, set up Google alerts to get daily emails of relevant keywords when the company is mentioned in the news, which can show interest and engagement in an interview. Finally, make sure you prioritize and make a plan. You’re much more likely to achieve your goals when you write things down. Managing your career with the help of a concrete goal will help you succeed and find your right path.