That first day of your work - Make sure you nail it!!
Thursday, April 6, 2017
First day, first Job - one of the most memorable days of a career’s voyage. Want to make sure you start things off on the right foot? Let us have a look at some of the curated pieces of advice for thriving that first day at your new job.
“Positive” Attitude
Nothing works better than having a positive attitude on your first day. Let your enthusiasm speak out for being part of the team and the organization. The exhilaration and positivity that you radiate will go a long way for this new opportunity.
“Professional” Attire
A well-groomed person is sure to leave a positive impact- A definite “Hit” with your co-workers. It’s a good idea to check your closet to make sure your wardrobe is supporting your efforts to make an affirmative first impression.
Be a good “Listener”
Listening can be one of the hardest skills to learn. If you have a legitimate contribution, put it across in an assertive conduct, do more listening and absorbing during those first days on the job. It will help you learn, give you greater clarity, grasp the data and information shared during the exchange and most importantly develop those initial notes that you would require later on to do your best job.
Prepare and ask “Questions”
A genuine desire to learn is appreciated by one and all from the fresh recruits. You need to know everything which will help you to be successful in your role, get you acquainted with the organizational culture, policies and procedures. Prepare your list of questions which will help you build your own repository to do a spectacular job at work.
Always “Appreciate”
Show your appreciation to everyone who helps you learn the ropes during your first days on the job. Recognizing those who have helped you get acclimated will show your gratitude, which will do wonders in the days that follow.
Stay “Organized”
Everyone has a system that works best for them. Keep a track of important events- meetings, appointments, assignments, and projects. Get an organizer or planner that helps you to be abreast of all your work. Your outlook or Apple calendar with reminders set for important deadlines; excel spreadsheets or just a simple to-do list at the beginning and end of every day are few ways.
“Learn” everything about Your New Employer
A lot of brimming is done during the interviewing process, however, there is always a lot more to learn once you are on-the-job. Grab those organization collaterals, employee handbook, policy documents and study them. Gather all those reports and read as much as you can to become knowledgeable about your organization.
“Productive” time with your Boss
Schedule meetings with your supervisor to keep him/her informed of how you have spent your initial days. In addition to helping you stay on track with assignments and deadlines; regular conversation with your manager builds relationship and helps you learn things that went a miss from your end.