Why waste resources on a Professional Recruitment Companies?

Why waste resources on a Professional Recruitment Companies?

"To win the marketplace, you must first win the workplace" – Doug Conant

1 out of 5 candidates that appear for interviews find vague job descriptions a turn off. Companies may lose many potential candidates at the application stage itself, and this could damage the brand. Vague Job Descriptions may happen due to overworked HR. This occurs mainly when companies are in an aggressive growth trajectory, which is when the role of external permanent recruitment consultants emerges to be a beneficial and preferred solution.

Internal sources of recruitments are conventional hiring methods adopted by companies that find it difficult to attract the desired talent pool that can pave the way for their growth. Let’s understand the core challenges of Internal HR team.

Challenges of internal HR team:

1. Unclear job description.
2. Shortlisting from a big database which is time consuming.
3. Shortage of desired qualified Talent.
4. Attracting the right fit through employer branding.
5. No Bandwidth to spend time with shortlisted candidates.
6. Poor candidate experience.

Whereas, the benefit of outsourcing candidate management to permanent recruitment consultants in India are many.

Why spend resources in Permanent Staffing HR Partners?

• Identifies the potential sources of qualified talent.
• Becomes a Professional HR Face of the client.
• Introduces Industry best practises from global experiences.

Benefits of having Permanent Recruitment Agency:

• Inflow of fresh ideas in sourcing the right talent.
• Access to multiple avenues of accessing talent pool.
• Knowledge - New skills and all round experience.
• End-to-End Recruitment Management – from Searching  Recruitment  Selection  Joining
• Industry Specific Expertise – helps in finding the Right candidate for the Right job.
• Saving Time & Efforts.
• Capability of communicating with candidates at all levels.
• Flexibility in scaling up or scaling down process.
• There is a greater chance of retaining candidates through a Permanent staffing consultancy.

In a post-COVID scenario, the job market has opened up extensively. Companies are beginning to realize that they need Permanent Recruitment partners to save time, attract the best talent, have a great team on board. Professional Permanent Recruitment Companies is not a wasteful resource after all, it is a ladder that will help you climb to success at a much faster pace.

About the Author
Anurag Upadhyay
Regional Sales Head (West)
Manpower India