The Future of diversity 2021

If you’re not a diverse company in 2021, you stand to risk losing on proven advantages Diversity Hiring holds. Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are important. It is proven that it helps generate different ideas and points of views that help an organization take progressive decisions. But how diverse are we? Some organisations are starting to witness homogeneity and have begun to particularly focus on creating a team with different cultures, and deepen their understanding of diversity, as well as make D&I a reality. Organizations that have a diverse workforce (of backgrounds, skillsets and perspectives) are bound to thrive. Here are a few ways your business can approach and foster diversity:
Plan for the future
By 2050, the demographic make-up of the world will look very different than it does today. Proactive firms have noticed this and have already begun actively working towards it. Diversity in an organisation is its biggest competitive differentiator. If you want your company to be competitive 30 years in the future, you need to start assessing your hiring practices, create mentorship programs, and leverage the diverse talent pool available.
Use assessments to increase diversity
Let’s be honest, the traditional way of hiring is filled with biases. Recruiters are most likely to hire someone that resonates with their values and that may not always be the best for the organisation. A more equitable way of levelling the playing field, and get diverse candidates in the organisation, is to assess them using data. According to our research, with only 49% of workers assessed, businesses still have a long way to go. 81% of those who have been assessed stated that they were more satisfied with their job compared to the 65% who weren’t assessed.
Neurodiversity: The need to think differently
Have you heard of Dyslexic Thinking? It is the way creativity, imagination, and intuition comes into place, setting us and our skills completely apart from a machine. Dyslexia is a completely different way of processing information, and that brings us patterns of strengths, creativity, innovation, and looking at the big picture. Organisations need to consider how dyslexia and neurodiversity can be an opportunity to bridge any skills gap that might be there in the future.
Provide Opportunities for Women
By now it is a known fact that women are globally paid less than men. With the pandemic, women have been even more disproportionately been affected socially and economically. In certain industries, they’ve lost jobs like retail, leisure, and hospitality. At the same time, we’ve seen the opportunity for women to reskill or upskill themselves for certain sectors like information technology, operations, and logistics. Women are an untapped talent pool. Hiring them can certainly fulfil the needs of tomorrow. Ensuring that you are including diversity in your hiring efforts is important for you to move the needle. Achieving diversity, inclusion, and even equity takes time. But organisations that take proactive steps today are on their way to winning in the future.